Non-Instructional Canvas Shell Request


Canvas is the University's Learning Management System (LMS), a robust and secure platform used to provide personalized learning environments. UM instructors are automatically provided course shells for each credit-bearing course. However, some faculty and staff would like a Canvas shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Please complete this form to request a non-instructional Canvas shell, indicating your intended use. Your request will be reviewed by an instructional designer and may require some follow-up with you to clarify your needs, so please include your email and phone number. If you are a student requesting a shell, you must have a faculty sponsor included as a contact in the request. Upon approval, a course shell will be created and you will be notified via email when the Canvas shell is available.

You will be able to add users in various roles to your shell as long as they are current UM employees or students. If you need to include users who are not UM employees or students, you will need to complete the section of the form indicating that other user accounts need to be added. Please include their full names and email addresses so their non-Net ID accounts can be created. You may include this information as an attachment in the form of an Excel file.

How to request

Please click  the “Request Service” button at the top right hand side of the screen.

Request Service


Service ID: 54467
Fri 4/5/24 10:25 AM
Thu 5/16/24 9:04 AM