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Data in the Banner system may need to be processed through various programs during off-peak usage hours or in a series with dependencies (e.g. process A needs to run to completion, followed immediately by process B). EIS uses the Automic Workload Application Suite to design and schedule these processes, which can use Banner delivered processes as well as any custom programs we have developed in support of business processes.
Data from the Banner ERP system is frequently required or desired for integration with other pieces of software run by departments across the UM campus. Examples include feeding student, faculty, and administrator information to the GrizCard system, sending financial information to State agencies, and integration with the Study Abroad system for foreign travel among many others.
Offices frequently have the need to gather information in the form of reports of various information contained in the Banner system. EIS has two primary methods for delivering this data to the user community, batch reports and the InfoGriz ( system. A report that needs to be scheduled and delivered via paper or email should be requested as a batch report. Reports that need to be run on an “as needed” basis can frequently be set up in InfoGriz to be run at the user’s discretion.
UM IT manages two Tier 1 data centers with a new Tier 2 modular data center. The current facilities combine physical security with 24x7 environmental monitoring and UPS and generator power backup guaranteeing 99.6% availability. UM IT currently manages enterprise networking, server and storage hardware as well as a limited amount of hotel space for departmental hardware.