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    Self Service is a software deployment tool used for empowering MacOS users to install applications from a curated list without administrative access. Self Service will keep applications it deploys up to date automatically.
    Software available in Liberal Arts 139 computer lab
    Software available in the Fine Arts 210 computer lab.
    UM IT provides support for University of Montana owned Mac computers. This includes installing licensed software, configuration, troubleshooting and installation of components and/or replacement of defective components.
    Software licensing and acquisition information for many software applications is available through Central IT.
    Does UM already have a contract with a vendor for software you need to purchase? ATS provides a listing of software that is currently under a contract at UM. This listing includes only software that has been reviewed for accessibility compliance and given either conditional or approved status. This listing is updated once monthly.
    ATS Software Vocabulary Listing includes frequently used terms with their definitions broken up into two categories: software status types and software testing definitions.
    This article is to provide external services to UM students, staff and faculty that may not be available to you through campus IT support. We'll list resources as we discover them and will make sure we help you work with local businesses as often as possible.
    UM labs normally have several types of assistive technology.