- Student Sign-Up
- Facutly Approval
- Common Issues
If they are an MC student they do this at http://students.mc.umt.edu, and if they are a CS student they do this at http://students.cs.umt.edu.

They must agree to the Student Web Dev policy.

Then they must choose the course and section they are hoping to sign-up for and submit.

When a student signs up for a course the faculty member attached to the section will receive an email.

If they are an MC faculty member they do this at http://students.mc.umt.edu, and if they are a CS faculty member they do this at http://students.cs.umt.edu, to access the location to approve student accounts/folders they must select "Faculty Dashboard" on top right.

The faculty member must then choose "activate" to create the student's account and folder on the server under "Pending Users".

Then they must select the checkbox "Enabled" and submit to finish provisioning their folder.

Once the student has been approved/enabled they will show up under "Users".

Why is my student receiving the following error?
You don't have permission to access /~[netID] on this server.
You are receiving this error because you did not put your files in the public_html folder, if files are put in the root of your home folder, Apache will not look at them. All files should be put into ~/public_html, and it will render without error.
Why is my student unable to FTP into the server?
It's possible their IP is being blocked on the web server and their IP will need to be whitelisted. Please contact the UM IT Helpdesk at (406)243-4357 or email ithelpdesk@umontana.edu for assistance.