Navigation in Cascade

The navigation structure is used by web visitors to navigate through your site. Navigation is automatically generated as you create, move and modify assets in the asset tree shown on the left side of the screen. The Display Name of assets appears in the navigation. The navigation structure can be changed by updating an asset's Display Name, excluding an asset from the navigation or reordering assets. Folder order assigns the order in which assets will appear in the site's Top and Left Navigation structures. Note: For navigation to function correctly, every folder must contain a page with a system name of 'default.'

Navigation Structure

Top Navigation

Every site in Cascade has the University website navigation across all pages above the banner image. This navigation bar has white text on a maroon background. This navigation bar is included automatically. Your site navigation appears as a horizontal navigation bar underneath the banner image on all pages in your site. This navigation bar has white text on a gray background. This is the navigation bar that you control through the way you organize your site in Cascade. The links seen in the Top Navigation are the main sections of your site and are generated from the assets contained one level under the Base Folder. 

Left Navigation

Items contained in sub-folders of the Base Folder appear as Left Navigation. Any assets contained below this level are nested in the Left Navigation. Nested navigation items appear based on the folder you are currently viewing. 

Cascade Support Tutorial

For more information on Navigation, including reordering, excluding and publishing, please refer to the Cascade Support Tutorial on navigation

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