How do I add a block to my page?

Blocks are pre-configured types of content that add a host of features to your website. The content contained in a Block can appear on multiple pages while being updated in a single location. There are two steps to adding a Block to your site.

  1. Create the Block and add content to it.
  2. Attach the Block to your page. Blocks are either attached to a Row or a Column.
    1. Row Blocks can be added by changing the row's 'Content Type' to 'Row Block'. 
    2. Column Blocks are added below the WYSIWYG editor, in the 'Column Options' drop down. You can add column blocks as either Above or Below Content Blocks. 

Cascade Support Tutorial

For more information on blocks, including the types available and how to use them, please refer to the Cascade Support Tutorial on blocks

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