Accounts 'Cheat Sheet'

The University of Montana uses two different types of accounts on campus. We know that this can often be very confusing, and while we are in talks to change it, that will not happen until several years down the road due to the amount of data transfer and logistics involved. This article is here to help you, the user, better understand our accounts, how they work, and how you use them.

Email Accounts and Logins

Student Email Accounts and Logins

Students have one account: NetID

This single student account is associated with three email addresses:

    • This is your account & email address. The "jd123456" is your NetID, which is used to log into many services on campus. Your email account and address are based on your NetID. The NetID is based on your first initial, last initial, and six random numbers. This is both for privacy, security, and keeping unique logins.
    • This is your reply-to address and acts as an alias to the NetID-based email address above. When you send email from the account above, this is the address shown to users. If a person replies to this address, the reply ends up in your inbox.
    • The address is a pointer alias given to all employees and students at UM. There is no account directly linked to this address, and in Cyberbear it should show that your alias points to your address.

In short, you have one NetID account, (form of jd123456), and three email addresses that can all receive email and end up in one inbox.

Employee Email Accounts and Logins

Employees have two accounts: NetID and Email

  • They are separate usernames with two separate passwords
  • Employee emails end in
    • Ex:
  • For university computer log ins or Microsoft software logins, the email should end in
  • Employee NetID’s always end in an ‘e’.

Computer Logins:

Student Computer Logins

Student university-computer logins:

User: Missoula\NetID

Password: <NetID password>

Employee Computer Logins

Employee University-computer logins:

User: Um\first.last OR

Password: <Employee email account password>

(Missoula\NetID works for employees, but should not be used.)

NetID and UMontana Alias Format

Aliases exist for both student NetID accounts and employee email accounts, using with this format:



If an employee was first a student, they will have an employee NetID like this:


And an email alias like this:

Rarely, an employee will then become a student. Their student account will follow the same pattern as above, flipped. Ex:

NetID: ab123456

Email alias:


The address is a pointer alias given to all employees and students at UM. There is no account directly linked to this address, and in Cyberbear it should show that your alias points to your official UM account email address ( address for students; for most employees).

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