
Blocks are pre-configured types of content that add a host of features to your website. The content contained in a Block can appear on multiple pages while being updated in a single location.

There are many types of Blocks, and along with WYSIWYG content, they are one of two main methods of adding content to your site.

There are two steps to adding a Block to your site.

  1. Create the Block and add content to it.
  2. Attach the Block to your page. Blocks are either attached to a Row or a Column.

Please see the Advanced Techniques Knowledge Base page for detailed instructions on how to create and attach each Block to your site.

Note that several row blocks are designed to span the full width of a view port, and don't display well on a site's main landing page. This is because that page has no left-hand navigation and a full-width block will take up much more space than the other blocks on that page. Full-width blocks include: Highlights, Full Width Visual Callout, Full Width Image Feature, Text Img Feature - Four.

Creating a New Block

Follow these general steps to create a new Block (links to detailed instructions for creating each Block are given below):

  1. Select the _blocks folder in the Asset Tree.
  2. Click Add Content in the Top Menu Bar.
  3. Next click on Blocks (pre-built modules) and choose either Column Blocks, Row Blocks or Structured Blocks.
  4. Configure the block by completing the required fields.
  5. Save and submit content.
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