What is UM Box?

UM Box logo



UM Box is an easy and secure way to store and share files and collaborate with others. 

Benefits of UM Box

  • Unlimited cloud-based, online storage for all faculty, staff and students. (NOTE: UM accounts have a 1TB limit associated with them, but users can request additional space as needed. The single file upload size limit is 15GB)
  • Secure file storage, administered and owned by UM.
  • File-sharing and collaboration within the UM community and with people outside UM.
  • Access your files via the web or mobile devices
  • Meets UM’s progressive accessible technology guidelines* (via an alternate URL)

To provision your account, click on the UM Box login button below, continue to UM login and enter your NetID and password. You must have an active UMontana alias to provision your account.

Access your UM Box account

Log In to UM Box

UM Box and accessibility

For UM Box with accessibility features:

  • Make sure you have created a box account first above.
  • Go to a.box.com
  • Click login and enter your umontana or umconnect email address (no password required)
  • You will be redirected to UM's login page where you enter your NetID and password

UM Box storage space unlimited

UM worked with Box and Internet2 to provide unlimited space for UM users. UM accounts have 1TB limit associated with them, but users can request additional space as needed. The single file upload size limit is 15GB.

An important note on UM Box invitations

When inviting collaborators, you must do the following:

Employee to collaborate in Box, you must use their first.last@umontana.edu alias

Students to collaborate in Box, you must use their NetID@umconnect.umt.edu address. 

Need help?

Box support site

Box User Guide

Box Quick-Start Guide

Box User Video Tutorial Library

Box University

If you are not already signed in to another service with your NetID, you may be prompted to log in at a Box log in page. When there, select Use Single Sign On (SSO). Employees: enter your first.last@umontana.edu email address. Students: enter your NetID@umconnect.umt.edu email address. Click Authorize and then you'll be taken to our NetID log in page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with UM Box?

Here are some use cases for UM Box:

Share files with others by moving them to Box and sharing a link rather than emailing an attachment or sharing on a flash drive.

  • Collaborate on documents with others on the UM campus or beyond.
  • Back up important documents securely. UM users have unlimited storage space.*
  • Access your files from any computer or mobile device.
UM Box accounts are set with a 1TB limit, but users can request additional storage space as needed.

How is UM Box different from Box.com?

Here are some ways in which UM Box is different than Box.com

  • UM Box allows more data storage for individuals (unlimited vs. 5 GB).
  • UM Box users authenticate locally using the UM NetID and password.
  • UM Box includes specific contractual protections around data ownership and security.

Can I use UM Box for sensitive data?

While UM Box provides robust security suitable for sensitive information, such as data protected by FERPA and HIPAA, we recommend that you not place sensitive data in UM Box because of the ease in which files can be shared with others.

I already use Dropbox. Why should I use UM Box?

You can continue to use Dropbox or other cloud storage services. However, UM Box is not mined for marketing purposes.

Other benefits include:

  • Single sign-on authentication using your UM NetID and password
  • Ease of sharing and collaborating with other UM employees or students
  • UM Box meets UM's progressive accessible technology guidelines

I already have a Box.com account. How do I get my files into UM Box?

Existing Box.com accounts identified with @umontana.edu or @mso.umt.edu email addresses have been merged into UM Box. UM users can have separate Box.com accounts associated with non-University owned email domains.

I use Microsoft's Distributed File System (DFS) to store and share files. Is Box replacing DFS?

UM Box is replacing much of the functionality provided by DFS. Providing on campus data storage and file sharing is a losing proposition for IT versus cloud opportunities.  Moving to cloud service affords many advantages including pricing, scaling opportunities, self-service for customers, mobile access and data persistence without a UM need to backup.  Some DFS functionality will remain for certain needs, but the service will be phased-out for individuals.

Our group needs to share files. Does UM Box allow group sharing?

UM Box is an individual-based tool. That means that group collaboration is done by one individual uploading a file and then inviting others and setting permissions for others to collaborate.

I want to setup a department Box folder. How do I do that?

A primary benefit to setting up a department Box folder is that the folder is not owned by any one individual but is owned by the department. With this setup, the department does not need to worry about an employee leaving with departmental data in their personal Box account and they can also maintain who does and does not have access to the data through collaboration permissions.

Use the department Box folder request in Solutions Center to get one setup for your department.

What if an individual holding important file shares leaves UM?

Like any data that individuals may hold in their devices, accounts, etc. at the time they leave UM, a transfer of information will be required to preserve or move data from an individual UM Box account into another. UM Box service allows administration of our data, so we at least have the possibility of helping a department or unit find and move the data, if appropriate to do so, upon a staff or faculty member leaving UM.

What happens when a student graduates or leaves UM?

Students can move UM Box accounts into a free or paid Box account when they leave UM. An advantage for students is that Box.com will provide them an enhanced, free account during the transition.

What services are provided by Box?

Box is much more than just a cloud base storage solution. Here is a list of the most popular Box applications used by UM:

  • Box Edit
    • Edit content directly on Box using native applications installed on your computer.
  • Box FTP Server
    • The Box official FTP server - easily migrate files off of legacy storage into your Box account.
  • Box for iPhone
    • View, upload, and share your files while you are on the go using Box from your iPhone.
  • Box for Android
    • Access, manage, and share all of your content while on the go from your Android phone.
  • Box Sync
    • Sync desktop files to Box. Access Box folders and shared files right from your desktop.
  • Box for Office
    • Open, edit and share documents, and simplify email attachments with Box for Office!

For a full listing of applications, visit https://umt.app.box.com/services.

How do I log in to the Box app on my mobile device (iOS, Android, Windows)?

  1. Launch the Box app on your mobile device (if you don't have it, you can download Box from your respective app store)
  2. Click on Log In
    Screenshot of Box app with options to Sign Up or Log In
  3. Tap on Use Single Sign On (SSO)
    Screenshot of Box app with options to enter log in information or select the use single sign on (SSO) option.
  4. EMPLOYEES: enter your first.last@umontana.edu email address (for example, john.employee@umontana.edu)
    Screenshot of Box app with option to login using employee email which should be your first.last@umontana.edu.
  5. STUDENTS: enter your NetID@umconnect.umt.edu email address (for example, ss123456@umconnect.umt.edu)
    Screenshot of Box app with prompt to login with your student email which is your netid@umconnect.umt.edu.
  6. Tap Log In
  7. Enter your NetID and password and then tap Sign In
    Screenshot of Box app with prompt to login with your NetID and password then tap the Sign In button.

How do I add Box to Microsoft Teams?

  1. Ensure you are the owner of the Microsoft Team. If you need a Team, please request one here.
  2. From your Teams application, in the lefthand navigation click Apps.
  3. Search for Box.
  4. Click either:
    • Add to a Team
    • Add to a Chat
  5. Locate the Team or Chat to which you want to add the app.  Then click Set up a bot.
  6. When the app is installed, Team members have access to the Box integration.

Important -- To Avoid Confusion

When Box displays in your Apps search, do not click Open.  Instead, click the adjacent down arrow and then click add Box to a Team.  When Box is added to a Team, it begins working automatically for Team chats.  

After you add Box to a Team, do not click Setup. Instead, click the adjacent down arrow and then click Set up a bot.  After a brief delay, the Box files tab displays at the top of the Teams interface.  

For more information, please see the Box support article: Using Box for Teams.

Related Services

UM Box folder request

UM Box folder modify permissions request

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

This request is to edit permissions, access, or members in UM Box groups assigned to UM Box departmental folders.
The UM Box folder request is for creating shared folders for departmental units to share files collaboratively within their department without having individual owners, but instead with a UM IT managed departmental owner, to prevent loss of data.