Glean Audio Notetaker

Glean Cloud-Based Audio Notetaker

Glean Notetaker is a cloud-based software for students with a note-taking accommodation approved by the Office for Disability Equity. 

Glean records the audio in class or online while the student types notes or flags lecture content. There are many ways to take notes with Glean. Glean also provides a transcription of the lecture audio if required. (Transcript quality is based on the quality of the recording)

Please watch these YouTube videos to learn more about Glean and view full software tutorials.

Glean on YouTube

To request access to Glean, students must contact the Office for Disability Equity. Upon approval for Glean usage, the Assistive Technology Specialist will send a link to a request form asking a few questions. Upon required completion, an invitation from Glean will be sent via their student email with account setup instructions and how to access the note-taking program. 

At the end of each semester, all Glean accounts will be deactivated. Student's audio notes will be available for 90-days after account deactivation. 

Additionally, students must make a new request for the next semester by contacting their Office for Disability Equity Access Consultant. 

The number of licenses for Glean is limited. When all licenses are distributed, inactive accounts will be assigned to other students. If students lose account access, contact the Office for Disability Equity, and make another request. 

Notes on Sonocent Audio Notetaker

UM’s license for Sonocent Audio Notetaker expired on July 1st, 2021; thus, Sonocent is no longer available. Also, in 2021, Sonocent officially changed the company's name to Glean and will cease to support Sonocent Audio Notetaker. 


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