Outlook Report Message Tool

The Report Message feature in outlook allows you to report spam and phishing messages. Reporting these emails helps the University protect your data and teaches the Microsoft filters to catch spam and phishing before they arrive in your inbox.

The Information Security Office now recommends using the Report Message tool to report spam and phishing. However, if you are unable to use that feature, please forward the phishing messages as an attachment to infosec@mso.umt.edu. Steps on forwarding an email as an attachment can be found here

Please note that phishing is the practice of defrauding users into giving up their usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information. Spam (junk) mail is unwanted or unsolicited messages, usually consisting of promotional materials, catalogs, and requests for donations.

Report a Message in Outlook

In the top right corner of the home tab in outlook, select “Report Message”, then select “Junk” or “Phishing”.

Report a Message in the Outlook Web Application

In the top right corner of the selected message, click the three dots to open “more actions”. Then, select ‘Report Message” and “Phishing” or “Junk”.

Report a Message on the Outlook Mobile App

Select the three dots in the top right corner of the opened message. Then, click “Report junk”. On the bottom of the screen, you will see an option to report the message as “junk” or “phishing”.


Report a Message in OWA on a smart device

Select the three dots in the top right corner of the opened message. Then, click “Mark as junk” or "Mark as phishing". On the bottom of the screen, you will see an option to confirm the report.


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Article ID: 142706
Thu 4/14/22 3:07 PM
Wed 12/14/22 10:23 AM