An instructor may reserve a lab for hands-on instruction in an academic class. To reserve a lab, please follow the procedures outlined below.
Send a Lab Reservation Request in order to alert us to your reservation need.
IT will maintain The Tech Lounge in the UC for general student use during regular hours. Other time slots in Liberal Arts 139 and Fine Arts 210 will be filled in on a first-come, first-served basis; schedule your lab times early to prevent conflicts.
In the IT labs, a lab monitor must be present whenever the lab is open. If you want to use a lab outside of the normal hours, IT will hire an extra monitor whose time will be billed to your department at $12.00/hour. Therefore you may prefer to schedule your classes during the normal lab hours when a monitor is already scheduled to be in the lab. We cannot guarantee that a monitor will be available during off-hours but we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
You or your teaching assistant must be present in the lab during your scheduled time. If no instructor is present, you lose your reservation and the equipment becomes available to other users on a walk-in basis. If no one shows up within 15 minutes of the scheduled time your reservation will be lost. After two no-shows for a class reservation IT will assume that you no longer require the lab and cancel future reservations.
Reserve the lab only for those class periods during which students will have hands-on use of the computers. The lab is not intended as a lecture/demonstration facility. Design your classes so that lecture and demonstration are separate from the students' hands-on activities. There are master classrooms (e.g., Jour 304) designed to accommodate those needs plus PTS can provide equipment to do computer demonstrations in other classrooms.
The installation of special-purpose software in labs is allowed with certain restrictions. IT will install the software, but you are responsible for verifying that your demonstrations and assignments work on the equipment. If you would like special-purpose software installed in the labs for a class, we need a copy at least two weeks in advance to test and install it. You are responsible for providing proof of licensing for each station the software is to reside on. We do not guarantee any special software to work under our current lab configurations. Rarely can we modify existing hardware or software to perform unique tasks. No special-purpose software will be installed that conflicts with the standard software IT has provided in the lab.
Hardware and software may break down in spite of our best efforts to maintain the labs. Promptly report all problems to the lab monitor, who will notify IT. Also, please maintain some flexibility in your plans.
Two of our labs, LA 139 & FA 210, are equipped with LCD projectors. If you need an LCD projector and are scheduled in a lab that does not have one please call PTS (x2858) to arrange delivery of one. If you require markers for the whiteboards, you will need to bring them with you.
If you need to cancel a lab reservation, notify IT as soon as possible. This will decrease the unnecessary disruption to the lab as well as open the lab up to another class or general student use. After two no-shows for a class reservation IT will assume that you no longer require the lab and cancel future reservations.
Instructors need to model and enforce all lab policies with their students. For example, instructors should not have food or uncovered beverages in the lab and should not allow students to do so. Also, please have students pick up scrap paper, push chairs in and return their machine to a state ready for the next user.
A fee of $12.00 per student is assessed for certain special classes held in the labs (e.g., Classes not assessed the computer use fee. Normal university classes are covered under this fee.).