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    A mailing list is a communication tool used by its members to participate in online discussions by posting comments, suggestions, and other information to a large number of people at the same time. At The University of Montana, employees and students have the opportunity to host and/or participate in online discussions that are locally administered by Information Technology using LISTSERV, an email communication tool.
    UM IT provides support for University of Montana owned Mac computers. This includes installing licensed software, configuration, troubleshooting and installation of components and/or replacement of defective components.
    No charges are made for the use of PTS circulating equipment when faculty, students or staff request them for state appropriated activities. University affiliated non-state supported activities are charged 50% of rental fees listed in the current Circulating media presentation equipment Rental Schedule for non-University affiliated users. Labor fees are assessed to all users for delivery and/or operator services. Other services such as production and copy services are available on a fee basis
    The Student Computer Fee is one of three different student fees collected for the purpose of funding technology costs within the University.
    Lab reservation policies and procedures. An instructor may reserve a lab for hands-on instruction in an academic class. To reserve a lab, please follow the procedures outlined below.
    Computer lab policies including reservations, assistive technology, and help.