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    The process of reviewing electronic and information technology (also called information and communication technology) at the University of Montana.
    Zoom web conferencing services is compliant (with some exceptions) with WCAG 2.1 AA Standards, revised Section 508 Standards, and the EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements. Features are included in this article.
    The University of Montana provides assistive technology services and support to students and employees. The first step for students is to contact Disability Services for Students to receive authorization for assistive technology assistance. Employees may contact the Assistive Technology Specialist directly. DSS may be contacted at 2243.
    Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are available in many of UM's theaters and lecture halls.
    IT provides training and consulting to help departments meet requirements of UM's Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility policy.
    ATS Software Vocabulary Listing includes frequently used terms with their definitions broken up into two categories: software status types and software testing definitions.
    The University of Montana strives to deliver alternative formats of text in a reasonable amount of time. In Accessible Technology Services, textbooks will be converted on a "first in, first out" basis.
    UM labs normally have several types of assistive technology.