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Data from the Banner ERP system is frequently required or desired for integration with other pieces of software run by departments across the UM campus. Examples include feeding student, faculty, and administrator information to the GrizCard system, sending financial information to State agencies, and integration with the Study Abroad system for foreign travel among many others.
Glean Audio Notetaker makes it easy to capture full recordings of classes and meetings and save them to the cloud. After recording, audio can be easily and quickly notated for later study. Speach recordings become visible by created phrase-by-phrase audio chunks.
How to solve common issues with the Umontana mobile app.
Numerous non-University web systems for social networking and electronic messaging--i.e., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. --have become readily available to promote communication. Creating University policy for the appropriate use of each external system seems a futile exercise, so rapidly do the systems propagate. Nonetheless, University personnel and students engaged in official University activity (such as student organizations conducting official organizational activities) either planning
A comprehensive list of dedicated IT support at the University of Montana.