Change To/From Online-Only Status

Carefully read through all of the restrictions below prior to submitting this form.

This form may be used to either opt INTO or opt OUT of online-only status.

If you are an undergraduate student in your first semester at the University of Montana, your request must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office through your Admissions Portal. Contact your Admissions Counselor if you have any questions.


Online-only students are not eligible for:

  • Certain scholarships, including WUE (Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information)
  • Student housing (e.g. residence halls, University Villages)
  • Curry Health Center services
  • University of Montana student health insurance
  • Access to Campus Recreation facilities
  • ASUM services (e.g. low-cost legal services, childcare, etc.)
  • Discounted tickets for athletic events

Online-only students are prohibited from enrolling in any course that requires a face-to-face component.

Registration is limited to course sections that are programmed with an Attendance Method of "Internet/Online" or "Video Conferencing." These courses are typically denoted with section numbers of 50 through 59.

Online-only status is not available for WUE students due to the WUE scholarship conditions.

Proceed to Form


Service ID: 53583
Tue 6/13/23 1:26 PM
Wed 7/10/24 1:47 PM