Wireless Self-Registration

UM offers two wireless network options, a secure eduroam connection or the open grizzlyguest network.  Both options require authentication, either with login credentials for WPA-2 Enterprise encryption (eduroam) or an email address on a web page (grizzlyguest).  Many game consoles, e-readers (Kindle, Kobo, Nook) streaming devices (Chromecast, Roku, Firestick) as well as some lab equipment (thermometers, microscopes, refrigeration units, etc) do not support these options. To allow those devices to connect we offer a wireless self-registration process using the device’s MAC address and the user’s NetID.  Users can register up to 5 devices and choose who else can see the devices, a requirement for managing printers and media streaming devices. Once the device is registered it just needs to be told to connect to grizzlyguest. 

Registration Process

Go to umt.edu/wireless-registration and login with your NetID credentials, the same ones you use for CyberBear or Moodle. On this page you can manage any devices you have registered, as well as add new devices. You must be connected to either Eduroam or hardline while on campus for the umt.edu/wireless-registration link to work.

Adding a new device:

Select Create Device from the Navigation panel on the left. A new page displays with 5 fields for you to complete, 3 of those fields are required. 

MAC Address (Required):  Consists of 12 alpha numeric characters, every Wi-Fi capable device has one.  Visit our Finding my MAC Address article for steps to find some common device’s MAC address 

Device Name (Required): Used to identity the device on the network, created by the user.

AirGroup:  Enable Airgroup allows this device to be viewed by your other devices as well as users you define a who are allowed to share this registered device. You will have the option of adding the NetID for up to 10 users you want to see your device on the network.
Once you check this box you have two additional options:

Personal or Shared:  This should remain set to Personal
Shared With:  Enter up to 10 NetIDs, separated by commas, for users you want to share this device with. If this device is never going to be shared, don’t enable.

Notes:  Not required, use to note any specifics you want to record.

Terms of Use (Required): This indicates you have read and agree to abide by UM acceptable use guidelines

Click the Create button and your device will be registered with our grizzlyguest network within one hour.  Then simply connect your device to the grizzlyguest network.


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