Save your Zoom cloud recordings automatically to Panopto using the Zoom integration with Panopto.
Once you enable the Zoom integration on your Panopto account, any Zoom meetings recorded to the cloud will automatically be imported into your Panopto Library, where they can be easily edited and shared.
How to enable the Zoom integration:
Log in to your UM Panopto account
Click your account icon in the upper right, then choose User Settings

Click the check box for Zoom under Meeting Import Settings

Your Zoom meeting cloud recordings will be saved to a default folder named Meeting Recordings inside your My Folder in your Panopto Library.
How to map a recurring Zoom meeting ID to a specific folder in your Panopto Library:
You can map a recurring Zoom meeting ID to a specific folder in Panopto, for example a course folder.
The cloud recordings of those Zoom meetings will then be saved to the specified folder, rather than the default folder.
Under User Settings in your Panopto account go to Meeting Import Settings.
Choose Add New

Enter the Zoom meeting ID and choose the folder where you would like those recordings to be saved.

Click Save.
Please contact Adam Carroll with questions. | 243-4875