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This includes a list of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) used at the University of Montana, but hosted and/or provided by 3rd parties off campus. Status Pages may provide current status, past uptime, and scheduled downtimes.
ATS Software Vocabulary Listing includes frequently used terms with their definitions broken up into two categories: software status types and software testing definitions.
Does UM already have a contract with a vendor for software you need to purchase? ATS provides a listing of software that is currently under a contract at UM. This listing includes only software that has been reviewed for accessibility compliance and given either conditional or approved status. This listing is updated once monthly.
Banner 9 student query form names
Departmental IT staff are authorized to request SPSS and AMOS authorization codes for departmental employee device activation. IT staff must abide by IBM's licensing terms and conditions.
Listing of finance form name changes from Banner 8 to Banner 9
This article explains your NetID and what it is used for. It is important to never share your NetID password and keep it safe.
The process of reviewing electronic and information technology (also called information and communication technology) at the University of Montana.
Provides steps to find a MAC address on some common devices