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Accessibility Review for Moodle/LTI integrations

This service is for non-UM customer access to UM network (data ports) services. Use this service if you are leasing space from UM and need a new network service. This service is available to all non-UM entities who do, or will, lease space from UM.

If you can't find what you're looking for in the Solution Center's knowledgebase, requesting this service will notify the UM Solutions Center Knowledgebase governance committee. Requests for articles are reviewed, prioritized, and created on a monthly basis.

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that is part of the Office 365 suite of tools.

Griz Card Center offers surveillance additions for buildings within Enrollment and Student Affairs via digital or analog cameras.

This service is for non-UM customer access to UM telephone services. Use this service if you are leasing space from UM and need a new telephone service. This service is available to non-UM entities who do, or will, lease space from UM.