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Microsoft EES (Enrollment for Education Solutions) is an enterprise licensing agreement. The EES program allows UM to license Microsoft software covered by the program at extremely low cost compared with retail or even most discounted pricing.
Federated identity management allows members of one organization to use their authentication credentials to access a web application in another institution. UM participates in the InCommon federation that includes education, research and partner organizations. The federation provides a common framework for trusted shared management of access to online resources.
Box is a cloud-based storage and collaboration tool from UM provides the enterprise version of Box available exclusively to higher education institutions.
AUTODESK is a software corporation that makes software for architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media and entertainment industries. UM has a campus-wide license for several AUTODESK products, including AutoCAD.
Apple has changed its licensing program for educational institutions.
The Student Computer Fee is one of three different student fees collected for the purpose of funding technology costs within the University.
No charges are made for the use of PTS circulating equipment when faculty, students or staff request them for state appropriated activities. University affiliated non-state supported activities are charged 50% of rental fees listed in the current Circulating media presentation equipment Rental Schedule for non-University affiliated users. Labor fees are assessed to all users for delivery and/or operator services. Other services such as production and copy services are available on a fee basis
Numerous non-University web systems for social networking and electronic messaging--i.e., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. --have become readily available to promote communication. Creating University policy for the appropriate use of each external system seems a futile exercise, so rapidly do the systems propagate. Nonetheless, University personnel and students engaged in official University activity (such as student organizations conducting official organizational activities) either planning
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are available in many of UM's theaters and lecture halls.
A comprehensive list of dedicated IT support at the University of Montana.