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    Services or Offerings?
    Presentation Technology Services equipment is not available for pickup after 5:00 on weekdays, or on weekends or holidays (during Library open hours) unless prior arrangements have been made.
    Equipment requests will only be processed Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 5:00.

    Request this service if new hardware needs to be purchased or old hardware needs to be replaced. Hardware can include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    Request to allow an exception to current security practices.

    Hardware needs to be moved from one location to another, use this form if you or someone else is moving to a new location, or if hardware is being reassigned to a different location or new employee. Hardware may include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    Request this service if hardware needs to be sent to surplus or decommissioned. Hardware may include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    Griz Card Center offers surveillance additions for buildings within Enrollment and Student Affairs via digital or analog cameras.