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    Services or Offerings?
    Information Technology manages several campus-wide software products for UM faculty, staff and students. Additionally, many campus departments purchase specific software products for their departmental personnel. The following software title list is provided as a courtesy. The list is in development and is not inclusive of all software offered at the University of Montana. If you don't see a title you need to order, please submit a request from this page. Other services will be linked to their own request forms.

    Request for Adobe Creative Cloud for UM Employees

    University of Montana through an enterprise licensing agreement with IBM, provides access to SPSS statistical software for UM and UM Western students (computer labs and personal devices.)

    Help with Docusign (issues, questions, training)

    MatLab is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment developed by MathWorks. University of Montana has a enterprise agreement for MatLab.

    Mathematica is a mathematical symbolic computation program. University of Montana has a limited number of campus licenses available.

    Maple is a symbolic and numeric computing environment, and is also a multi-paradigm programming language. University of Montana has a limited number of network licenses available for faculty and student use.