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Services or Offerings?
This service is for UM Data Warehouse password resets, this will not give you an initial UMDW account.

Students registered with UM's Office for Disability Equity may request alternative formats for their textbooks through Central IT's Accessible Technology Services.

Help with Docusign (issues, questions, training)

This service appeals to departments who want to maintain autonomy over their server management without the expense of purchasing and housing their own hardware.

IT provides electronic and information technology (EIT) review to help departments meet requirements of UM's Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility policy. Accessible Technology Services provides software and hardware review as part of Procurement along with a variety of other reviews to ensure that documents, instructional materials, media, software, hardware, computing systems and websites meet accessibility requirements.

Student Computer Fee Employment funding will now be allocated based on the below model on a biannual basis. Please review the 3 tiers of technicians and fill out the form requesting funding based on your current staffing or desired student employees for term selected. Your results will be sent to the SCF Hiring Oversight Committee.