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Descriptions of links and link text, and the importance of creating good link text.
Information on image accessibility requirements and how to write great alt-text.
Text that appears small on your website should be added to paragraph tags.
Information on center alignment of text and images.
Explanation of how to get help with changing your site banner image or text.
The University of Montana strives to deliver alternative formats of text in a reasonable amount of time. In Accessible Technology Services, textbooks will be converted on a "first in, first out" basis.
Guidelines and information on images in Cascade.
IT manages two general access computer labs that are open to any University student, faculty or staff. All labs are free for any student to use as long as a class is not being held in that lab at that time.
Instructions on accessing and displaying public folders within the Outlook mail application.
Texthelp's Read&Write is a literacy enhancement software available to all UM faculty, staff, and students. Read&Write provides support for aiding research, writing, and reading skills. This software is particularly helpful for students developing their literary abilities.
Description of page titles and headings, as well as their best use.
Instructions and information on the navigation of your website.
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are available in many of UM's theaters and lecture halls.