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    Services or Offerings?
    How to add/ or drop courses for College of Business special sessions

    The College of Business offers recording of courses for faculty within the college.

    COB Faculty request for additional Graduate Assistant projects to be completed

    A UM employee domain account will grant you access to UM employee email, ability to log in to UM owned computers, shared departmental network drives, public folders, email distribution groups, networked printers, and other tools and applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, etc. This request allows for the creation, modification, or deactivation of UM computer accounts for Employees.

    Request this service if new hardware needs to be purchased or old hardware needs to be replaced. Hardware can include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    This form is to request a refund if the PaperCut printer failed to print and your UMoney account was reduced. Please contact the department’s lab support to determine the cause of the printer failure before requesting a refund.

    Hardware needs to be moved from one location to another, use this form if you or someone else is moving to a new location, or if hardware is being reassigned to a different location or new employee. Hardware may include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    Submit this request for a sponsored email account that will be shared with other individuals or groups.

    Having your data in just one place is dangerous in the face of computer loss, theft, destruction, accidental deletion, hardware or power failure, so backing up your valuable data is important. IT can help you backup your files, folders, music, photos, projects, etc.

    Request this service if hardware needs to be sent to surplus or decommissioned. Hardware may include computers (desktops & laptops), tablets (iPads & Surfaces), printers, and peripherals (monitors, mice, keyboards, speakers, etc.).

    This service can provide a file share, departmental folder, mapped drive on a supported IT server.