Search19 Results

Services or Offerings?
Banner Document Management, or BDM, is an electronic document storage system that integrates with Banner, the University of Montana’s information system. Note: This form is not the place to request general Banner support. That information is posted here:

Request assistance with Moodle Learning Management System (LMS)

Request assistance with Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)

This service appeals to departments who want to maintain autonomy over their server management without the expense of purchasing and housing their own hardware.

Process for requesting a new group Submittable account.

University of Montana through an enterprise licensing agreement with IBM, provides access to SPSS statistical software for UM and UM Western students (computer labs and personal devices.)

Request for a Moodle shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Request for a Canvas shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

I need help from the Griz Card Center.

A LISTSERV is a communication tool used by its members to participate in on-line discussions by posting comments, suggestions, and other information to a large number of people at the same time.

Report if the Orbital Shift software is not working as expected.

Report if a Time Clock is not working as expected.

Request for Entertainment/Alcohol events on campus