Search42 Results

Services or Offerings?
To request changes for a user of TDX (adding/removing users to groups, adding users not in the system, updating user profiles)

Request an audit of a security or user group

Request a user permissions audit

For users to get access to high performance computing (HPC) resources on campus.

JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is a screen reading program developed for Windows computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse.

If the owner of a Qualtrics survey has left the University and you need to transfer ownership of the survey to another user's UM Qualtrics account.

Complete this form to request access to an existing website in Cascade CMS. This form must be completed by the individual requesting access. Do not fill this out on behalf of another user. Approval by the website manager/owner and web accessibility training are required to gain Cascade access.

Complete this form to request a new website in Cascade CMS. This form can be completed by new or existing Cascade users. Sponsor approval is required to create a new website.

Process for requesting a new group Submittable account.

Request for a Moodle shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Request for a Canvas shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Request for Adobe Creative Cloud for UM Employees

This service can provide a file share, departmental folder, mapped drive on a supported IT server.

Submit this request for a sponsored email account that will be shared with other individuals or groups.

Request Form for NVivo Software for Faculty, Staff, and Students.