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Services or Offerings?
In addition to obtaining an email account, employees obtain a University email address in the form of a UMontana alias, this request is to update or modify a UMontana alias after a legal name change. To change your computer/email username ( and/or your UM employee email address ( complete the UM employee computer/email account form.

Submit this request for a sponsored email account that will be shared with other individuals or groups.

A UM employee domain account will grant you access to UM employee email, ability to log in to UM owned computers, shared departmental network drives, public folders, email distribution groups, networked printers, and other tools and applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, etc.

A LISTSERV is a communication tool used by its members to participate in on-line discussions by posting comments, suggestions, and other information to a large number of people at the same time.

Allow IT to access your computer from our offices - this will allow us to view error messages, confirm issues, or even fix problems in the background, or request assistance to allow remote control access to your machine for personal use when utilizing VPN off campus.

Request to create, modify, or delete a shared public folder.

This service can provide a file share, departmental folder, mapped drive on a supported IT server.

Request an audit of your mailing list or listserv.

Request an audit of a file share, departmental folder, or shared drive.

Request printing access to a shared network printer.

Request access to a file share, departmental folder, or shared drive.

Request a user permissions audit

I need access to an application

Request an audit of a security or user group

Help with Docusign (issues, questions, training)