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Services or Offerings?
Process for requesting a new group Submittable account.

Submit this request for a sponsored email account that will be shared with other individuals or groups.

A UM employee domain account will grant you access to UM employee email, ability to log in to UM owned computers, shared departmental network drives, public folders, email distribution groups, networked printers, and other tools and applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, etc.

To request changes for a user of TDX (adding/removing users to groups, adding users not in the system, updating user profiles)

This service is for UM Data Warehouse password resets, this will not give you an initial UMDW account.

If the owner of a Qualtrics survey has left the University and you need to transfer ownership of the survey to another user's UM Qualtrics account.

In addition to obtaining an email account, employees obtain a University email address in the form of a UMontana alias, this request is to update or modify a UMontana alias after a legal name change. To change your computer/email username ( and/or your UM employee email address ( complete the UM employee computer/email account form.

This form is to request a refund if the PaperCut printer failed to print and your UMoney account was reduced. Please contact the department’s lab support to determine the cause of the printer failure before requesting a refund.

A Late Registration Fee of $80.00 is assessed on all registration bills not paid by the 1st class day of the semester. Please complete this late fee waiver request to have your late fee reviewed by Student Account Services.

Qualtrics Support is your one-stop shop to learn how to use any part of the Qualtrics Platform. An entire library of articles, manuals, and troubleshooting tools - right at your fingertips. To access Qualtrics support, click Help when you are logged into into your UM Qualtrics account.

Glean Note-taker (Formerly called Sonocent Audio Notetaker) is a cloud-based software that supports your note-taking educational endeavors and is available to ODE students with a note-taking accommodation.

Help with Docusign (issues, questions, training)

Request for a Moodle shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Request for a Canvas shell for non-instructional purposes (non-CRN courses), such as training, department collaboration, or a sandbox/development shell for practicing, testing tools, or developing an upcoming course.

Exemption form for student sending limits.