The University of Montana strives to ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities to all services and content, including those delivered using information technology (IT).

Categories (8)

Accessible technology at UM

Learn about Accessible Technology Services and campus support options.

Accessible software at UM

Read&Write literacy software
Sonocent audio notetaker

Assistive technology support

The University of Montana provides assistive technology services and support to students through Disability Services for Students. UM employees may contact the Assistive Technology Specialist directly.

How to request accessible technology services

Accessible alternative text format, Audio and video captioning services, Hardware or software review, OCR conversion for a PDF, UM Website review

Captioning, copyright, and media services overview and FAQ

Information provided to assist you with understanding campus captioning and media conversion service providers as well as yoru questions about copyright policies.


If you purchase software for your campus department, before you begin the purchasing process, the software must be reviewed to ensure that it is accessible. This article explains the process and how you can help.

UM computer labs

Learn about assistive technology in UM computer labs.

Third Party Publishers / Instructional Materials

Faculty must have third party publisher content they wish to use in courses reviewed for accessibility compliance. Two processes are outlined in this category.

Articles (1)