• Canvas Help Request
• Request for Access to Migrated Moodle Course
• Request for Sandbox

If you need immediate help outside of normal business hours (M-F, 8 AM – 5 PM), 24/7 support is available from Canvas. Click the Help Button in Canvas to access Canvas Live Chat Support or call their hotline.

Services (11)

Canvas - Other

Submit this request if your particular need or question cannot be addressed in other existing Canvas tickets. Visit the Canvas services page for a list of all available Canvas tickets, including the Canvas Help Request ticket for general questions or issues.

Canvas Course Roster Merge or Duplication

Request Course Roster Merge or Duplication

Canvas Help Request

Request assistance with Canvas Learning Management System (LMS)

Request Employee Canvas Account

Submit this request if you are a UM Employee who needs access to Canvas.

Request for Access to Migrated Moodle Course

Moodle courses from Fall 2021 – Summer 2024 have migrated into Canvas, and Summer 2024 will migrate in early Fall 2024. To access your migrated content, you will first be enrolled into the Migrated Shell as a non-editing teacher, as these courses are read-only to serve as an archive of Moodle content.

Request for Sandbox

Sandbox Shells are used to develop course content and activities before that semester’s Teaching Shells have been generated.

Non-CRN Canvas Shell Request

Request for a Canvas shell for non-CRN courses which includes non-credit, extended credit, non-instructional and training courses. Requests for course shells for practice, testing tools or developing an upcoming course should use the Request for Sandbox service ticket.

Canvas - Student Incomplete

Student Incompletes can be administered in Canvas for qualified students. This allows teachers to grant an extension beyond the course's official end date so a student can finish outstanding coursework.

Canvas - Enroll or Unenroll Users from Course

In Canvas, Teachers don’t have the permission to enroll or unenroll users in their courses. If you need a user unenrolled or enrolled as a Guest, TA, Learning Assistant, Non-Editing Teacher, ODE Assistant or Designer, UMOnline and UM IT can help. You must be the course's teacher of record to request this.

Canvas - Extend Course Time/Length

If you want to open your course early to students, before the official term start date, you can provide read-only access by publishing the course right now. Doing so will allow students to review the material.

External Tool Consultation

External tools, such as LTIs, integrate an external learning resource with Canvas. UMOnline will evaluate your request to determine if it can be installed in Canvas.